The Ericaceae
The Ericaceae is often called the heath family. It includes manzanita species of chaparral (genus: Arctostaphylos). However, it also includes heath, blueberries, cranberries (that grow in acidic bogs around the northern hemisphere) and numerous other species.
Plants of the Ericaceae are somewhat variable. The vast majority, however, have urn-shaped (urceolate) corollas that are fairly distinctive. The plants of the Ericaceae that you will be responsible for recognizing have...
- 5 fused petals that usually form an urceolate corolla
- 8 - 10 stamens
Flowers are often white or pink:

The genus, Arctostaphylos, is particularly diverse in California. The common name for the genus is manzanita. Many of its species have smooth red bark. Approximately half of its species can resprout from an underground root crown or burl after fire, but other species of Arctostaphylos cannot resprout and die in fires.