The Boraginaceae and Hydrophyllaceae

 Members of the Boraginaceae and Hydrophyllaceae have radially symmetrical flowers arranged in coiled cymes. Sometimes the coils are obvious.

Coiled inflorescence

Sometimes the coils are so tight that it is difficult to see that branches of the inflorescence are coiled.

Tightly coiled inflorescence branches
Tightly coiled inflorescence branches

Sometimes the coil is so loose that you have to look closely to notice that the youngest flower bud(s) are tucked up under (or coiled under) the older flowers.

Lax coil
Coiled inflorescence (less congested)


Plants in the Boraginaceae have ovaries are deeply lobed, forming nutlets at maturity. Plants in the Hydrophyllaceae have ovaries that are not deeply lobed, forming a capsule at maturity.

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The flowers themselves have five stamens that are epipetalous (that is, they are fused to the petals).

Some species may have corolla appendages or calyx appendages.

Corolla and calyx appendages
Corolla and calyx appendages

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Photos of flowers in the Boraginaceae